Copyright Statement

Copyright © 2017-2020 ArkReynes.Com/Ark Reynes. All Rights Reserved.

All content on is provided free for your own personal use. All content, including altered free stock images for headers and other graphics, is the property of, except where another credit is expressly given. The exception is commonly used gifs and memes whose origin at this point is hard to pinpoint. The header image was taken by me and is copyrighted to Ark Reynes / Cicilie Husebø Nilsen (my legal name).

All original photography on this blog is the copyright of Ark Reynes / Cicilie Husebø Nilsen (my legal name).

All stock art (used primarily in post headers) is copyrighted to the original photographer. I use Pexels to find my stock art, where all images are free for personal and commercial use. You can read more about their licensing policies here.



  • Pin, tweet and share posts from this blog.
  • Pin, tweet and share gallery pages and posts from this blog.
  • Share an excerpt from any of my blog posts, provided that you link back to the original post.


  • Copy a post in its entirety and post it to your own blog or website.
  • Copy and share an excerpt without including a link back to the original post.
  • Copy or share any images/photography from this blog out of it’s intended context.
  • Share any of my photos, even with watermark included, on your own blog, FB, Twitter, Instagram or other social media. Link to the blog post or gallery instead, which I would love.
  • Steal any content, written or visual, and claim as your own.
  • Remove watermarks or logos.


Get in touch and let me know what you want to use, and why. For purely commercial use, I will charge a one-time fee. The price we will agree on.

For other use, I may say yes, I may not. But I will decide based on what you want to use it for on a case by case basis. I am a strong believer in sharing, but I also do not want my photography to be used for things I may have strong personal views on. So the key thing here is JUST ASK! Don’t steal when you probably don’t have to. I don’t bite, I promise.

Comment Policy

I encourage my visitors to interact with me and other visitors through the comments on each post. While I support your right to speak your mind, please keep in mind we are all adults and should behave accordingly. Personal attacks, spam and the like will be removed. It is after all possible to be of different minds on a subject, and still have a civil discussion.

Disclosure Policy

This blog is primarily a personal blog, created both for fun, and to reach out to a greater audience in terms of my writing and other creative projects. At this point, it is not a primary source of income. That said, it will be used as a way to promote myself and my writing primarily, so links to my own published works will occur.

The opinions I post are my own, not bought advertisements, and I make no money by posting them unless otherwise clearly stated at the start of the post. In those cases, it will be for things I feel comfortable promoting and would have written about anyway. I will never write a post about something I do not support, purely for monetary gain.

I may use affiliate links when sharing things I love. In such a case that will be clearly marked. At this point in time, I am not a part of any affiliate program, but that may change in the future.

There are no third-party advertisements currently in use on this site.

Privacy Policy collects non-personally-identifying information from visitors. This may include browser information, language preference date and time of visit etc. The information that is stored, is used to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies or similar technology to collect and receive information. For more information about cookie use on the WordPress platform, click here.

I am not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without my permission.

This policy applies to online activities on the blog and information shared and/or collected here.

This policy is subject to change without notice. The last update was on January 5th, 2020.

If you have any questions regarding my disclosure and copyright statements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at arkreynes (at) gmail (dot) com